2017 – Neue Staffel

  • Frag ich mich auch die ganze Zeit.
    Also ich persönlich hätte ja auch nichts dagegen,wenn Dana die Serie verlassen würde...^^.

  • Hello Everybody How do You do ? How did You start to the week ? I am very very excited by the seeing of the latest trailer of the new season of Cobra 11. And I hope there will be a good season. And The new season is full of much more action scenes and excitement on the Audience. I feel excited myself. just I act in the series. As a Fanatic follower of Cobra 11. Let me share this new trailer with You. I think this season's epsiodes will make us really happy. Stay tuned. :thumbup::)

    Kindly Regards
    İzmir city- Turkey.

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  • Why do you criticize so much Dana? She is an interesting character. she is Semirˋ s daughter. I like seeing her in the episodes.
    The episodes are much more interesting with her.
    I prefer her before Jenny or Harmut

  • Why do you criticize so much Dana? She is an interesting character. she is Semirˋ s daughter. I like seeing her in the episodes.
    The episodes are much more interesting with her.
    I prefer her before Jenny or Harmut

    Hello Dear My Friend Ronda How do You do ?

    I am neutral towards Dana ( Gizem Emre ) Beside let me tell You something I follow her page just like the other Actors and actresses too. I have always written nice and motivating and enthuastic comments to her after the every Cobra 11 episodes. At the same time I have written these well developed comments to the other Actors and Actresses of Cobra 11. After all these an Actor or an Actress feel thankful to this follower.Whereas ; Dana ( Gizem Emre ) has banned me from commenting at her Fan group page at Facebook. This made me suprised because I didn't deserve this reaction of her. She should ban the followers Who do the comments opposite of Me.

    Finally ; I show respect to her decision and she can't be famous in Turkey just like she became in Germany. To be famous Turkey is much more struggling than the other European countries. All of these. I wish her good luck to be successful at her Tv series Career. According to me, Hartmut character is also funny and may take place much more time than current acting time same like Dana in the episodes. I don't discriminate the genders beside Dana is a young woman and Hartmut is a man. I also don't like to be seen in realtion with Paul and Dana. Because Dana is the Semir's daughter and Paul is Semir's partner. It is unfair to have relation with your friend's or partner's daughter. These are all my ideas.

    Kindly Regards

  • Der Trailer ist noch lange nicht perfekt, aber die Actionszenen sehen wirklich gut und abwechslungsreicher aus als die der letzten Staffel.
    Der Auftakt ist mMn sehr miserabel, aber danach kann´s eigentlich nur noch besser werden 8o

  • Auf der Cobra 11 Facebookseite haben sie gestern noch mal nen andern längeren Trailer reingestellt. Hier könnt ihr mal schauen und euch euer eigenes Bild machen:


    Hello Good night BlackWhiteRose ;

    You can see this trailer on RTL Tv Channel page on Youtube too. This new season start with seven new epsiodes. I wish We all will enjoy the new episodes of the new season. :thumbup::)

    Kindly Regards

  • Der Trailer ist noch lange nicht perfekt, aber die Actionszenen sehen wirklich gut und abwechslungsreicher aus als die der letzten Staffel.
    Der Auftakt ist mMn sehr miserabel, aber danach kann´s eigentlich nur noch besser werden 8o

    Ofcourse You are right. The action scenes are better than the last season's Episodes. Beside some secenes are much more seen inethic for insatnce ; The naked Men and Semir's dream about his partner and Paul's relation with his daughter Dana. Thiis part is a knightmare of Semir.

    I hope this new season's start will be good and I hope as the Audiences and the followers We become pleasant by the actions at the episdoes of C11. :thumbup:

    I wish good time to both of us in this new season of Cobra 11. Have a nice week and I wish good start at Cobra 11 follower on Thursday night.

    Kindly Regards

  • Hello Dear All Followers ;

    I have got a special message via RTL Channel Which they specially congratulated for my award winning at the Christmas Withdraw on this website. And They informed Me about their new web tv link for the followers of Cobra 11 via web. I would like to share the link with You. Beside If You type the old link rtlnow de on your browser again the page turns into the new page tvnow de automatically. I just wanted to send this information for the Cobra 11 followers Who watch Cobra 11 series via web link of RTL instead of Television or Satalite. So here is the short and easy new link for the webtv followers of Cobra 11.

    Kindly Regards


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