Beiträge von Captainfrog

    Hello Dear Our Admin Marco How are You ?

    I would like to ask You about the Farewell of Daniel Roesner. Is he going to take place only in one episode for this Fall / Autumn Season or Is he going to take place fully in all the episodes of Cobra 11 for this Fall / Autumn Season ? And than Will he leave the Cobra 11 Series ? ;( When I hear this news I felt sorry. Because Daniel Roesner is an excellent Partner for Erdoğan Atalay ( Semir ) in the episodes , he is so powerful, tidy and presentable in view standing next to Semir. He perfectly completes his partner Semir just like Tea&Sugar Coffee&Cream :thumbup:

    Finally ; If You know the exact information than Could You please inform me via here or via PM( Private Message ) :)

    Thank You very much. Have Wonderful Time. 8)

    Hello All Dear Cobra 11 Fans ;

    I generally liked this episode. It has conflicts in its Screenplay. For instance The Lawyer Harriet commit herself to the Laws and as Mrs Hillmer stated ; She gave up the identification of the Money Launder Zorg at the Investigation in the Police Satation. Although she saw his Tattoo and realized certainly Zorg was the criminal. ?( :/:huh:

    From my point of You ; I always look at the Scenes of the episodes if they are enough adventurous and exciting also entraining than I like the episodes. Because Cobra 11 means Adventure ,Entraining scenes and great excitement Which the Audience feel fully from the begining up to the last second of the episode. :) :thumbup::love:

    Thirdly ; For this episode ; I learned a lesson for the real life. If You are popular and if someone request something to You. Ofcourse You don't have to beside Your business and your life become under danger just like the Old Jeweler Man Who refused the Mafia Dreyer for Laundering his Money. Ofcourse He may call the Police and inform Dreyer's illegal Reuqest from the begining Whereas ; This is a Tv series. I just learned as a lesson from this episode to be careful if You are a Businessman or Shop owner , You must be careful and have put your attitude towards the Bad and illegal people at the begining. And You must be so Strict that Noone can encourage to tell You an illegal Request to accomplish. This is the general main idea I got from the episode. :whistling:;):thumbup:

    Finally ; The final part of the episode finished in happy ending. I really became happy after Paul rescued the Lawyer Harriet at the Cliff. He is so cool.8)

    My review and rating is 8 over 10 for this episode.:):thumbup:

    Kindly Regards :)

    Hello Dear All Cobra 11 Lovers ;

    I find this episode nice. And this episode fit in the image of Cobra 11 with the chasing scenes on the highway and the excitement continues up to end of the episode.:):thumbup:

    I am going to see this episode again. And I really liked the scenes. My point is 9 over 10 for this episode. Have an enjoyable Weekend to everyone.:)

    Hello and Welcome to the New Season ;

    I am very glad with the start of the first episode of the new season. :):thumbup: It was really entraining and full of adventure. Both the hostage takers at the Police Station and the Mechanic Kemper were so sad and regretful. The feeling of the situation in the episode awful for the both sides. The relatives of the Victims at the Train accident are so furious. Therefore ; Noone may say them They are not right to hunt the Mechanic Kemper. Kemper is so regretful and this makes him feel deeply sad.

    The mission was accomplished by Semir and Paul at the final. And by this way ; The duty is completed. I never want for anyone to be the relative of any Train accident Victim and the relative of the Mechanic Who feels deeply regret.These are the hardest conditions in people's life.

    I think this episode matches with the Season start with its full Quality. Therefore ; My Rating is for this episode is 9/10 :thumbup:

    I wish everyone wonderful Weekend.

    Hello Dear All Fans ;

    This is a great chance for the Cobra 11 fans by sending their cars to the episodes. So here is the related video on RTL Youtube Page. Good Luck to You. :)

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    Hello Dear All Fans How do You do ? :)

    I am very happy that finally we reached up to the new season this week. I really wait the new season start impatiently as a fan. Have an enjoyable season. Kindly Regards to You all. :thumbup:

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    Hello Dear Andreas How Are You so far ? :)

    I wish You Happy Birthday and I wish every of your good wishes become real. :thumbup: Take Care. Be Safe. God bless You.

    All The Best To You


    Here is your Birthday Gift. :)

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    Hello Mrs.Hillmer and All Cobra 11 Lovers ;

    I wish all of us Wonderful, prosperous ,healthy new year. :thumbup::) I hope every of our good dreams and wishes become real. :thumbup: All the best to You from İzmir city Turkey.

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    Does anybody know if Tom Beck will be returning to the serie?

    Hello Ronda I will learn if Tom Beck will return back to Cobra 11 again or not. And than I will inform You about this situation. Have blessed friday and peaceful Weekend. Best Regards. :)

    I think the spring season will start on 14th March because the last episode of the 7th season of "Der Lehrer" is planned for the 7th March. There will be 7 or 8 episodes in the spring season.

    Thank You very much for the information. So We are going to start waiting March 2019 for the new season start. All the best to You. :)

    Hello All Followers ;

    Does anyone know When will the Spring season start ? And How many episodes are we going to see in the new Spring season ? 8o

    Thank You very much for all the answers. :):thumbup:

    Hello Dear All Fans ;

    I really liked this episode much. And by this time The episode hero is the priest Lehmann by himself. He almost saved the innocent wife of Peter and his son from Mafia Frederik Lorka. Beside the Hero Lehmann killed by frederik at the final. This is so sad. I hope Lehmann was saved and rescued at the final of the episode. However ; If Priest Lehmann was survived than he would probably arrested by Semir and Paul because he killed most of the Mafia members by himself except the leader Frederik. Semir and Paul completed the duty of Lehmann or completed the redemption of the wife Veronica and the son Anton of Peter from the house of Mafia Frederik.

    Finally ; If I rate the episode I may say 10/10. Well done. Congratulations. :)

    Hello All Followers ;

    I think this episode is full of action. Beside I live in Turkey and I never mind to those kind of Mafia groups will target the son of Prosecutor in real life. This needs great braveness. Also let me mention not every Turkish people like the Badu Chief. They are like Anotolian oriented people. In Today's World. Most of our people are well educated and living just like European. Ofcourse ; There are Mafia gangs just like everywhere on the World. Beside They never target the prosecutor's son. Because in this case The Porsecutor and his son didn't kill the Badu Chief's son. Only this part has surprised Me. That 's all.

    In general ; The episode is great and full of Action as always expected. Dana started to join the epiodes. And Let's see Which actors and Actresses take much more places on the stages of episodes. I expect much more Story based topic screenscripts in the episodes. For instance ; Chasing Bank robbers and smugglers , Murderers on the main of the episode. Moreover ; ofcourse I want to see Actions as usual.

    Finally ; This episode has just reminded me my Student years at University. I was studying at University in our Capital City Ankara. One of my classmate was a girl Whose father was a governor at our Turkish Goveenment at that time. And she told us that ; Her father had been threatining by the Terrorist Organization ; Therefore ; She arrives to the university and leaves after her lessons finished by Police Escorts. This was real. However ; The Terrorist organization Which threaten her family eventhough her father is a Governor at the Government.was much more bigger than Badu Gang and its chief. So I saw similiar case in my real life.

    The episode point value is for me 9/10.

    Hello Dear All Followers ;

    I think this episode is nice both by Action and the magnificient beauty of Budapest too. I really liked this episode. I think Cobra 11 team has improved their scenario by involving FBI into the episode. By this way ;They catch the trend of the dedective Story Tv series. When I see FBI team in this episode , I remembered the famous Tv series Person Of Interest and the Mentalist. :thumbup:

    Secondly ; The Plot was focusing on the bad effects of David and Konstantin ( Son and Father ) disagreement Which caused also conspiracy over Jenny. Ofcourse it is usual and used to hear the disagreements between Son and Father in our daily life. Beside David made wrong and bad attempts by objecting to the decisions of his father. Fortunately ; Semir and Paul solved the case and proved the innocence of Jenny at the final towards FBI Agents. :thumbup:

    The episode is generally 8 over 10. I liked this episode. Especially Budapest view is fascinating and gained to this episode of Cobra 11. Ofcourse ; The Actions, and chasing scenes are great and wonderful in the episode. They were also exciting and continuous Actions also full of adventure. 8o

    Finally ; I liked this episode and I advise everyone to see several times. Filming in Budapest was a plus for the episode. As I mentioned ; This episode was full of Quality too. I would like to say also , I wish Cobra 11 Team Wonderful season. I hope We all entertain after seeing the episodes. I wish Cobra 11 team nice start and wonderful season. Good Luck to them. I wish they work in great Harmony and joy. :)

    Best Regards

    und wie viele Folgen gibt es nun?

    Hello I don't know How many episodes will be in this new season. Besside When I learn , I will inform You. And also Many of the Actors and Actresses have gone on to holiday nowadays. I think The Cobra 11 team has concluded the filming the episodes. So they have gone on holiday. For Instance ; Both Erdoğan Atalay and Lion Wasczyk also Daniel Roesnner shared their Vacation Pictures on their Social Media Accounts.

    So I believe that We all be happy by the new episodes and have fun at the new season of Cobra 11. I think we must be patient about hearing the information of the episodes.

    Kindly Regards to You.

    Does anybody know when does RTL give us the first information about autumn season ?

    Hello Ronda You are Welcome. Beside Today I saw an explanation of Erdoğan Atalay on Erdoğan Atalay's Instagram page. He explained that Cobra 11 's new season starts on September. This is certain. And I really like to share this explanation of Erdoğan Atalay here right now with You. We are Lucky There is only one month is left for the new season of Cobra 11.

    And let me share Erdoğan Atalay's Post with You via Instagram.

    Thank You very much for your nice wishes for Me. See You. God bless You.…en-by=cobraeleven_erdogan